Monday, January 8, 2018

Winter Break

Image result for christmas shopping

Image result for coughing up blood

Image result for fireworks
This winter break was awesome and horrible at the same time. On the first week a couple days after we left i woke up to a pounding headache. I could barely walk my head hurt so much and i had a steaming hot fever. But the worst of it was the coughing. My coughs were so violent my mom always got scared and came to check that i was still breathing. It got so bad i started coughing up blood. But eventually i got better not well but better. Just enough to be able to go Christmas shopppppiiiiinnnnnggggg. i got some very lovely gifts. Then for new years some people down the road had an amazing fireworks show it was lovely. It went well with all the food we had. Of course i didn't eat much since my appetite hadn't yet come back do to the sickness. That was the only good part about being sick. Overall my break was painful but also fun at the same time.

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